The Pixel Graveyard
An archive of pixel bases from sites long gone
Welcome to the Pixel Graveyard, I am your humble Archivist. The purpose of this site to archive various pixel doll bases from sites that are now dead and cannot be accessed through regular means.
For a basic summary of what dollz (or simply 'dolls') are, Wikipedia has you covered.
Let me be upfront: I am breaking so many 'Terms of Use's by reposting these bases. However, I will not be reposting bases from sites that are still up (as rare as that is these days), merely from sites that can at best be viewed via the Wayback Machine, which is where I got most of these bases.
This page was inspired by Bunnystick's Dead Bases section, which has ironically been removed along with the artist's bases themselves.
Below you will find download links sorted by site name. Each file, archived in compressed Zip format, for the most part contains a .txt file with the site rules and the Wayback Machine URL (a few might not, because I was dumb and forgot to get those, or I wasn't able to find the rules on the Wayback Machine). Some files will contain things like props, patterns, tutorials (though not always in English), and edits submitted by other artists (which I think should be marked as such by the file name, though I'm not 100% sure).
The rules for this archive are simple: please, please give credit to the original artists. The only credit I deserve is preserving the bases, I had nothing to do with the art. Also link back to both this page and the Wayback Machine URL of the original site (if included). Other than that, please follow the rest of the artist's Terms of Use.
If you are an artist that is included here, do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to have your work removed.
To contact me, like for the aforementioned reasons or to add to the archive, please email me at
Downloads hosted on the Internet Archive, as Neocities does not allow compressed files for free users, and I'm not exactly made of money for the Supporter account.
- [Meo24]
- 2Pixel
- A Splash Of Joy
- Ai Yazawa's World
- Aishiteru Dollz
- Alilkutez
- Amarylis
- Angel Factory
- Angelic Kisses
- Angelic Sakura
- Angelique Seraphim
- Apitchou
- Aurenne's Dolls
- Aurorablackcat
- Autumn_Pixels
- Av Squad
- Azha
- Bagatelle
- Barananduen's Realm of Dreams
- Beautiful World
- Bebadoll
- big-blue-eyes.deep-ice
- Blacksakura
- Bondchickz
- Box of Pixels
- Brilliancy
- Bunnystick
- Butterfly's Shadow
- Cathie's Crazy Creations
- Catusiana's Corner
- Cayt's Collection
- CherryGarden
- Cherry Lime Soda
- Cherryville
- Chicken Pox
- Choclet Dollies
- ChynaCat's Meow
- Colors of the Seven Oceans
- Comatose Bunny
- Crazy Cherrie Graphix
- Crystal.Dreams
- Cyberfruit
- Dadadoll
- DamaVerdeDolls
- Dark Rose
- Dell's Dolls
- Desperate Pixels
- Died's Vault
- Digital Marionettes
- Dolce Memole
- Doll on the Hill Factory
- Doll Parts
- Dolleria
- Dolling Fun
- Dolls Eoutras Coisnhas
- Dolly Famous
- Dollz n Stuff
- Dollz of Flavor
- Dollzmaniacs
- Doodle Dollies
- Dragon-Light
- Dream Dolls
- Dreaming Dolls
- Dreams of Elysion
- Duckienya
- Dwarfish
- Ecandy
- Eclectic Blue
- Eleni Aranelwa
- Embrace Your Inner Pink
- Faery Ink
- Fahrlight's Dollz United
- Fairy Dollz
- Fashionated Dollz
- Fiori e Neve
- Firebird's Haven
- Firefly's World (Site Extremely Broken)
- Fishbowl Designs
- Glam! (forum, closed)
- Glass Temple
- Glen Valeriren
- Graphic Dolls
- Grim's Dolls
- Guinevere's Pixels
- Ham Studio
- Hambunny Haven
- Hana.Land
- Haven of Silindor
- Hinia's Paradise
- Historical Dolls
- Home of the JINX
- Ice Shadow Dolls
- If Looks Could Kill
- Indexed Colors
- Ivy_creepyc
- Jade Dolls
- Jeanie Inc.
- Jishinyukimori
- Jopet
- Josie's Dollz
- Juicy Dolls
- Kate's Boutique
- KelleyErin's Dolls
- Kiss Me Sweet
- Kissalicious Dolls
- Kiton Angel
- L'Aterier de Suzuchan
- La Leche Dolls
- Laurelinn
- Lazy Kat Dolls
- Les Poupees Numeriques
- Li Meng
- Lilacblizzard Dollz
- Lin's Pixels
- Loki Angels
- LTnnOG Dolls (Bases No Longer Accessable)
- Mad Dollz
- Magical Clover
- Marii's Doll House
- Marilyns Dollz
- Mawled N' Dolled
- Melissa's Dollies
- Milie Dollz
- Milky Box
- Mimi's Grotto
- Miniature Reality
- Misato
- Miseryhood's Dolls
- Miss Dodo's Pixels
- Mommyfeet
- Moondrops
- Mufflonen
- My Own Little World
- MyDolls by Cleo
- Netbelle
- Ninique's Mini Dolls (defunct)
- Nunilwen's Dolls
- Odd Dollz
- Oops I Arted
- Orange Crux
- Packaged Bliss
- Paper Doll Decay
- Paragon's Dolls
- Perfect Plastic
- Phoenix's Doll Shoppe
- Pink Night Garden
- Pink Plastic
- Pisces Designs
- Pixel Junkies
- Pixel Meadows
- Pixel Sheep
- Pixelab
- PixelBee (Bases No Longer On Site)
- Pixelpunks
- Pixtoki
- Poison Dollz
- Popped Art Dolls
- Pretty Pixels
- Pretty's Luna Dollz
- Prima Donna
- Pseudo
- Pumpkin Heads
- Pupazzoso
- Pupazzoso Cafe
- ohMyDollz
- Quiet Incandescence
- Rainy Day Crap Box
- Random Doodles
- Retrofuturepixels
- Ritratto_de_Signora
- Roberta's Dolls
- Sabraelle's Garden
- Sakura no Hime
- Sanity Challenged
- Selenit Tower
- Sephora Art (Removed Bases)
- Shades of Grey
- Shane's Dolls
- Sharona's Dolls In Jars
- Shirley's Dollz
- Shouri
- Silent Illusions
- Silly Janine
- Silvi's World
- Siplex
- Sleepy.Yuujou
- Solace's Meadow
- Something Vague
- Sonia's dollz studio
- Soulshadow Designs
- Sprite This
- Star Rhapsody
- Starberries
- Stardust System
- Starlight's Graphics
- Stars of Pixel
- Starweaver
- StudioStella
- SugarCream
- Sunna's Crap Storage
- Sunny Serenity
- Sunshine Satellite
- Superflu
- Swan Lake
- SweetPix
- Swiss Cheese Army
- Tea Party Doll House
- Temporary Insanity
- The Doll House
- The Free Project
- The H Word
- The House of K'Vitlyr
- The Island of Misfit Toys
- The Pixel Corner
- The Purple Dungeon
- The Pyro Parlour
- The Shady Nook (Bases No Longer On Site)
- The Ultimate Nightmare
- The Yellow Rose
- Tidbits of Sweetness
- Trumbolice
- U.R. Dolls
- Umi's PIXMAZ
- Unauthorized Kisses
- Unique Dollz
- Watermelon Bubblegum
- Whisper Mists
- Wrapped Up Dolls
- Xandorra's Place
- Yukinoland
- Yume Studio